Our mission is to equip and inspire Christian leaders to build a flourishing workplace. While a majority of our listeners are working in churches and Christian non-profits, a healthy segment are Christians who either own a business, or who are involved in a Christian-owned business.
Mike Sharrow is the President and CEO of C12 Group, the largest network of Christian CEOs, business owners, and executives.
Mike has an extensive background in large companies, start-ups and the local church. He knows how a healthy, flourishing culture equates to organizational effectiveness. What he has to share with us is going to benefit you in more ways than one.
Find full shownotes here http://blog.bcwinstitute.org/s3-e27-mike-sharrow-c12-group
How healthy is your employee culture? How can you find out? And if you happen to find out your culture is not quite where you’d like it to be, what do you do?
Our guest today, has a very compelling answer to share. His name is Scott Kissel and he’s the Senior Executive Pastor at Timberline Church in Fort Collins, CO.
In the past two years, Scott has been at the center of the culture transformation of Timberline Church for the past two years. I can’t wait for him to share the true stories, biblical principlesand practical action steps that can help you build your workplace culture and increase your ministry impact.
Find full show notes here http://blog.bcwinstitute.org/s3e26-scott-kissel-timberline-church
Here’s a quiz for you: Can you name the three most important things that drive the health of your culture?
When you know these three essential drivers of a flourishing, healthy culture I’m about to share with you, you can leverage them to tremendous advantage:
And it all leads back to these three keys that can help you build the health of your culture.
I want to put these three keys in your hand, and to make that happen, I want to welcome back BCWI communications consultant, Mark Cutshall, to host our podcast.
Find full shownotes here http://blog.bcwinstitute.org/s3e25-al-lopus-mark-cutshall-bcwi