Today we have the pleasure of talking about the recently published list and what it means to be certified as a best christian workplace and provide some examples of what differentiates these organizations.
To help us identify some of the key takeaways, I am being joined by Tara VanderSande. Many of you know Tara as she is one of our popular guests on the Flourishing Culture Podcast. But today we are turning the tables and she is going to interview me.
Hi Tara, and welcome to our podcast, today.
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Today we have the pleasure of visiting with a revered Christian leader who’s going to give you some of the best lessons and winning plans for how a Flourishing staff culture can work for you and your teams AND improve your overall ministry impact.
With me today is Jim Tomberlin, Founder and CEO of MultiSite Solutions. Based in Colorado Springs, MultiSite Solutions helps churches develop and implement customized multisite, merger and movement strategies.
Jim began his multisite church journey in the mid-1990s when he was the senior pastor of Woodmen Valley Chapel. Since 2005 he has been consulting and coaching churches in developing and implementing multi-campus strategies. He is the author of multiple books, including 125 Tips for MultiSite Churches, Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work, and Church Locality: New Rules for Church Buildings in a Multisite, Church Planting and Giga-Church World.
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Hello and thanks for joining us on the Flourishing Culture Podcast! If you’re in leadership of a church, a parachurch organization, or a Christian-led business, you’re in for a treat.
Here’s why:
This is the first segment of a special, new series called “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Whether you’re joining us for the first time, or you’re a loyal listener, the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture” reveals the eight proven drivers of a flourishing culture that can take your organization to the next level.
Well, let’s get started. I want to welcome in my colleague, BCWI Director for Consulting Services, Giselle Jenkins. Giselle and I are going to unlock each of the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Culture.”
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Today I’m reminded of “It’s a Wonderful Life", a trend-setting film, way ahead of its time. When it comes to trends, I appreciate what Director Frank Capra said, “Don’t follow trends, start trends.”
In the next few minutes I want to give you seven workplace trends that organizations are likely to start in 2019.
To help me with this, I’ve asked Mark Cutshall, our writer on the Flourishing Culture Podcast, to join me as our guest host. Welcome, Mark.
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