Outstanding Talent is the third of the eight culture drivers that make up BCWI’s FLOURISH Model. And Outstanding Talent is the focus in our new, ongoing series called “The Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
As a brief reminder, “Outstanding Talent is all about an organization having highly qualified people with the necessary calling, character, competence, chemistry and contribution that lead to the kind of high performance needed to help an organization meet their goals and make a significant mission impact."
My guest well knows the importance of Outstanding Talent. I want to welcome Robert Bortins, Jr., CEO of Classical Conversations based in Southern Pines, North Carolina, Classical Conversations is leading the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning.
Find full show notes here http://blog.bcwinstitute.org/s4e15-robert-bortins-jr/
Outstanding Talent is the third of the eight culture drivers that make up BCWI’s FLOURISH Model. And Outstanding Talent is the focus in our new, ongoing series called “The Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
As a brief reminder, “Outstanding Talent is all about an organization having highly qualified people with the necessary calling, character, competence, chemistry and contribution that lead to the kind of high performance needed to help an organization meet their goals and make a significant mission impact."
My guest knows all about Outstanding Talent. I want to welcome Dan Busby, President of ECFA, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, based in Winchester, Virginia in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley.
Dan, I’m so glad you can join us. Welcome to our podcast, today.
Find full show notes here: http://blog.bcwinstitute.org/s4e14-dan-busby/
Today, we’re continuing our new series on the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Each week, we’re giving you a close-up look at each of the eight factors that make up, what we call …The FLOURISH Model. It’s the key to building a healthier workplace culture that leads to greater organizational impact.
On the podcast, today, we take a look at Outstanding Talent. In the next few minutes, my guest is going to share the four important elements of Outstanding Talent that are absolutely necessary if you want to improve the health your workplace culture.
Today, we have the pleasure of talking with Giselle Jenkins, our Director of Consulting Services at the Best Christian Workplaces Institute.
Hi Giselle, welcome back to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
Find full show notes here http://blog.bcwinstitute.org/s4e12-giselle-jenkins/