Today, we’re going to look at Uplifting Growth, which is the fourth in the eight drivers that can take the health of your workplace culture to the next level.
Uplifting Growth is all about improving the performance of individuals, groups and the overall organization
My guest, today, knows Uplifting Growth inside and out. His character, leadership, and convictions are going to give you some fresh, new insights on how to improve and strengthen your own workplace culture.
With that, I want to welcome in one of the most popular guests on the podcast, Steve Brown, President of Arrow Leadership based near Vancouver, Canada but developing Christian leaders in both US and Canada.
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Today, we’re going to look at Uplifting Growth, which is the fourth in the eight drivers that can take the health of your workplace culture to the next level.
Uplifting Growth is all about improving the performance of individuals, groups and the overall organization.
My guest, today, knows Uplifting Growth inside and out. His character, leadership, and convictions are going to give you some fresh, new insights on how to improve and strengthen your own workplace culture.
With that, I want to welcome in one of the most popular guests on the podcast, Jeff Lockyer, Lead Pastor of Southridge Community Church in St. Catharines, Ontario.
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Today, we’re continuing our new series on the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Each week, we’re giving you a close-up look at each of the eight factors that make up we call The FLOURISH Model. It’s the key to building a healthier workplace culture that leads to greater organizational impact.
On the podcast, today, we look at the fourth of the eight drivers that make up The FLOURISH Model. We call it Uplifting Growth, and my guest has plenty to share with you about why Uplifting Growth is a critical driver to help improve—and even transform–your workplace culture.
Today we have the pleasure of talking with Rob McKenna, Founder, and CEO of WiLD Leaders, creator of the WiLD TOOLKIT and Chair of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Seattle Pacific University.
Rob has been recently named one of the top 30 Industrial-Organizational Psychology today and featured in Forbes.
Rob, welcome to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
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Today, we’re continuing our new series on the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Each week, we’re giving you a close-up look at each of the eight factors that make up we call The FLOURISH Model. It’s the key to building a healthier workplace culture that leads to greater organizational impact.
On the podcast, today, we look at the fourth of the eight drivers that make up The FLOURISH Model. We call it Uplifting Growth, and my guest has plenty to share with you about how Uplifting Growth is a critical driver to help improve—and even transform--your workplace culture.
Today we have the pleasure of talking with Marvin Williams, Lead Pastor of Trinity Church, in Lansing, Michigan.
Marvin, welcome to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
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Outstanding Talent is the third of the eight culture drivers that make up BCWI’s FLOURISH Model. And Outstanding Talent is the focus in our new, ongoing series called “The Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
As a brief reminder, “Outstanding Talent is all about an organization having highly qualified people with the necessary calling, character, competence, chemistry and contribution that lead to the kind of high performance needed to help an organization meet their goals and make a significant mission impact."
My guest well knows the importance of Outstanding Talent. I want to welcome Robert Bortins, Jr., CEO of Classical Conversations based in Southern Pines, North Carolina, Classical Conversations is leading the home-centered education movement by teaching parents and students the classical tools of learning.
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Outstanding Talent is the third of the eight culture drivers that make up BCWI’s FLOURISH Model. And Outstanding Talent is the focus in our new, ongoing series called “The Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
As a brief reminder, “Outstanding Talent is all about an organization having highly qualified people with the necessary calling, character, competence, chemistry and contribution that lead to the kind of high performance needed to help an organization meet their goals and make a significant mission impact."
My guest knows all about Outstanding Talent. I want to welcome Dan Busby, President of ECFA, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, based in Winchester, Virginia in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley.
Dan, I’m so glad you can join us. Welcome to our podcast, today.
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Today, we’re continuing our new series on the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Each week, we’re giving you a close-up look at each of the eight factors that make up, what we call …The FLOURISH Model. It’s the key to building a healthier workplace culture that leads to greater organizational impact.
On the podcast, today, we take a look at Outstanding Talent. In the next few minutes, my guest is going to share the four important elements of Outstanding Talent that are absolutely necessary if you want to improve the health your workplace culture.
Today, we have the pleasure of talking with Giselle Jenkins, our Director of Consulting Services at the Best Christian Workplaces Institute.
Hi Giselle, welcome back to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
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Today, we’re continuing our new series on the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Each week, we’re giving you a close-up look at each of the eight factors that make up we call The FLOURISH Model. In the next few minutes, you’ll see how The FLOURISH Model is key to building a healthier workplace culture that leads to greater organizational impact.
So far, we’ve looked at Fantastic Teams and Life-Giving Work, the first two of the eight drivers that make up what we call The FLOURISH Model.
The third culture driver is called Outstanding Talent, and my guest has plenty to share with you about how Outstanding Talent help improve—and even contribute to the transformation—of your workplace culture.
Here, to kick off next several weeks when we’ll be focusing on Outstanding Talent.
I want to bring in Tara VanderSande.
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Today, we’re continuing our new series on the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Each week, we’re giving you a close-up look at each of the eight factors that make up we call The FLOURISH Model. In the next few minutes, you’ll see how The FLOURISH Model is key to building a healthier workplace culture that leads to greater organizational impact.
In this podcast, we look at the second of the eight drivers that make up The FLOURISH Model. The second culture driver is called Life-Giving Work, and my guest has plenty to share with you about how Life-Giving Work is a key driver to help improve—and even transform--your workplace culture.
Today we have the pleasure of talking with Vann Ellison, CEO of St. Matthew’s House, in Naples Florida.
Vann, welcome back to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
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Each week in this series, we’re bringing you great stories, practical insights and biblical wisdom from some of today’s top Christian leaders, all designed to help you build and sustain a healthy, flourishing workplace.
That’s our goal, as we take you through the eight drivers that make up The FLOURISH Model, the cornerstone of BCWI’s global consulting work with more than 1,000 Christian organizations in the U.S., Canada, and around the world.
Today, we look at the second, critical driver in The FLOURISH Model called Life-Giving Work.
My guest, today, exemplifies the meaning of Life-Giving Work. Bob Lonac, Retired President and CEO of CRISTA, based in the Seattle suburb of Shoreline, Washington, it’s a delight to have you as part of our new, continuing podcast series.
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Today, we’re continuing our new series on the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Each week, we’re giving you close up look at each of the eight factors that make up what we call The FLOURISH Model. As we go along, you’ll see how each of these eight culture drivers can help every leader, every team, and every organization—from the executive suite to the mail room--build a better, healthier workplace where people flourish, and love to coming to work.
Today, we look at the first of these eight drivers that make up The FLOURISH Model.
The first driver of every flourishing workplace culture is Fantastic Teams.
To give you the best of the best insights, practices and advantages of Fantastic Teams, I want to welcome my guest, Cary Humphries.
Cary is the Central Region Director for the Best Christian Workplaces Institute. He’s a former Chief Operating Officer for the Navigators and has 30 years of sales and management experience with Cargill Incorporated, a leading global agriculture company. He’s got a ton of good insights about how Fantastic Teams are vital to the health of your workplace culture.
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Today, we’re doing something a little different I think will be fun. Our guest, today, is a very popular and respected leader, Steve Macchia. Steve is well-known author, and founder and president of Leadership Transformations in Lexington, Massachusetts. What Steve has to share with us today about thriving, fantastic teams is pure gold.
Steve is going to share with us the five vital leadership traits of becoming a healthy team.
And what makes this podcast a little different, is that you, the listener, get to eavesdrop on a previous conversation with Steve. We’ve chosen the best of the best from this popular interview where Steve really puts his finger on what goes into productive, life-giving teams in a church, a parachurch organization, and a Christian-led company.
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Today, we have the pleasure of talking to Mike Cole, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Chief People Officer at CRISTA Ministries in the Seattle area.
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Today we have the pleasure of talking about the recently published list and what it means to be certified as a best christian workplace and provide some examples of what differentiates these organizations.
To help us identify some of the key takeaways, I am being joined by Tara VanderSande. Many of you know Tara as she is one of our popular guests on the Flourishing Culture Podcast. But today we are turning the tables and she is going to interview me.
Hi Tara, and welcome to our podcast, today.
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Today we have the pleasure of visiting with a revered Christian leader who’s going to give you some of the best lessons and winning plans for how a Flourishing staff culture can work for you and your teams AND improve your overall ministry impact.
With me today is Jim Tomberlin, Founder and CEO of MultiSite Solutions. Based in Colorado Springs, MultiSite Solutions helps churches develop and implement customized multisite, merger and movement strategies.
Jim began his multisite church journey in the mid-1990s when he was the senior pastor of Woodmen Valley Chapel. Since 2005 he has been consulting and coaching churches in developing and implementing multi-campus strategies. He is the author of multiple books, including 125 Tips for MultiSite Churches, Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work, and Church Locality: New Rules for Church Buildings in a Multisite, Church Planting and Giga-Church World.
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Hello and thanks for joining us on the Flourishing Culture Podcast! If you’re in leadership of a church, a parachurch organization, or a Christian-led business, you’re in for a treat.
Here’s why:
This is the first segment of a special, new series called “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
Whether you’re joining us for the first time, or you’re a loyal listener, the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture” reveals the eight proven drivers of a flourishing culture that can take your organization to the next level.
Well, let’s get started. I want to welcome in my colleague, BCWI Director for Consulting Services, Giselle Jenkins. Giselle and I are going to unlock each of the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Culture.”
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Today I’m reminded of “It’s a Wonderful Life", a trend-setting film, way ahead of its time. When it comes to trends, I appreciate what Director Frank Capra said, “Don’t follow trends, start trends.”
In the next few minutes I want to give you seven workplace trends that organizations are likely to start in 2019.
To help me with this, I’ve asked Mark Cutshall, our writer on the Flourishing Culture Podcast, to join me as our guest host. Welcome, Mark.
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Today we have the pleasure of talking with Miles McPherson, Lead Pastor, of The Rock Church, a multi-site congregation with five campuses in San Diego.
Hi Miles, and welcome to our podcast, today.
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Sitting across from me, today, is one the most gifted, experienced professionals who really understands how to build a healthy organizational culture. In the next few minutes, he’s going to walk us through a proven strategy designed to help you increase the success of every new employee starting out in your organization. Who wouldn’t want that?
I want to welcome in Chad Carter, Senior Director of Human Resources for The Gideons International. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, The Gideons International focuses on telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles, New Testaments, or portions in 95 languages through 200 countries. For the past 7 years, Chad has played a huge leadership role in this legendary ministry organization.
Hi Chad, and welcome to our podcast, today.
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How do you help ensure the effectiveness and impact of your organization? The answer is by building a healthy, flourishing, sustainable culture. And the way to do that is by knowing these six measures of leadership excellence that drive such a culture.
Our guest today knows inspirational leadership inside and out. What she has to say about inspirational leadership could be golden and transformational for your culture.
Today we have the pleasure of visiting with Tami Heim, President of Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA). CLA is equipping and uniting more than 6,000 mission-focused Christians who lead today’s high-impact nonprofit ministries, churches, educational institutions and businesses. Tami has been actively involved in the CLA community for more than 6 years, and we have great respect for her.
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Today we have the pleasure of talking with Steve Machhia, Founder and President of Leadership Transformations. Based in Lexington, Massachusetts, and with offices in Colorado Springs and Houston, Leadership Transformations holds up the clear foundational truth that “a transformed leader is a transformed organization.”
Hi Steve, and welcome to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
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Barry Slauenwhite has had a remarkable 34 years with Compassion Canada. In his time as President and CEO, Compassion Canada has experienced more than a 10-fold growth to become one of Canada’s largest Christian Non-Profit.
Barry, welcome to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
There’s a question I want to ask you that gets at one of the big reasons behind Compassion Canada’s remarkable growth. Before I ask you this question, give us a brief summary of what Compassion is all about.
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We’re often asked, are their better times than others to start measuring the health of your staff culture? We believe one of the best times is when there is a transition to a new top leader. Today we will find out if that’s true, even if your father was the previous leader!
Seacoast Church in Charleston, South Carolina, is known as one of the most innovative churches around and is often credited with being the first multisite church in the country.
Greg Suratt is Seacoast’s Founding Pastor and is now leading the Association of Related Churches known as (ARC).
Today we have the pleasure to talking with Greg’s son, Josh Surratt, who is Lead Pastor atSeacoast Church. And with Josh is his wife, Lisa Surratt, who serves as Seacoast’s Director of Culture.
Josh, Lisa, welcome to the Flourishing Culture Podcast!
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In the next few minutes, you’re going to learn six personal powerful convictions that have turned a church culture and its ministries upside-down.
These six truths are so applicable to almost every church, you’ll say, “Wait, you’re telling our story, our struggles, and our desire to improve the health of our culture.”
The man with the remarkable story to tell is Jeff Lockyer, Lead Pastor at Southridge Community Church in St. Catharines, Ontario Canada.
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360 Degree Feedback for Pastors and Christian leaders is something we are asked about frequently. Today we have the pleasure of visiting with Joel Engle, Pastor of Preaching and Vision of ChangePoint Church in Anchorage, Alaska. Joel and his leadership team recently experienced a 360 process that was quite eye opening.
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