Do you think about improving the effectiveness organization by engaging your employees in discussion groups? Well in today's episode, we talk about approaches to help inspire your employees by connecting vision to their work. Listen in as we discuss practical ways to be sure your strategy and leadership is sustainable.
Flourishing organizations have a sustainable strategy. For your strategy to be sustainable, it needs to be threaded throughout your organization. Strategy isn’t just for your executive team but should be embraced by everyone. How do you lead in a way that equips and empowers your teams to carry out the vision and mission of your ministry in their everyday work? We’ll address that topic on today’s podcast.
I’m delighted to welcome Jos Snoep, President and CEO of Bible League International. Jos began his ministry with Bible League International in the Netherlands in 2005, and he has served in various leadership roles before assuming the position of President several years ago.
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I’m delighted to welcome Kevin Enders, President of 4KIDS. We’ve talked with Kevin before and I’m looking forward to today’s conversation. He has built a strong team and highly engaged staff at 4KIDS.
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If there was one thing that you could work on as a leader that would improve your relationship with others, and your organization's effectiveness, what would it be? In today's episode, we discuss building trust, the core to Inspirational Leaders, and a Flourishing Workplace.
At the core of a flourishing workplace is the level of trust that exists between leaders, leaders and employees, and among employee groups. Today our podcast topic is Building Trust, the Core of Inspirational Leadership, and a Flourishing Workplace.
Joining me today is BCWI’s president, Jay Bransford. Jay welcome back to the flourishing culture podcast.
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Would you ever ask yourself the question, how would a flourishing workplace culture impact the performance of my team or my organization? Well, today, we'll talk with two business leaders who outline the steps they've taken to build a flourishing workplace facilitating their bank's growth from startup to one billion in assets in just fourteen years.
Along with serving Christian ministries, we work with marketplace organizations to assess employee engagement and culture. In these organizations, excellence is a result of strong values and integrity in their leadership. If you’re a Christian leader in a marketplace organization, how do you value your employees and offer them opportunities for uplifting growth? We’ll explore flourishing in a business setting on today’s podcast.
I’m delighted to welcome Laura Jones and Shon Cass, senior leaders with Texas Security Bank. This bank has been serving businesses in Texas since 2008 and has been intentional about developing a flourishing culture for its employees. Let's meet them and learn about how they are committed to growing in excellence and shared values in this marketplace organization.
Welcome, Laura and Shon.
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Today is a special and unique episode, listen to my conversation with a leader who is in his fifth decade of spiritual and organizational leadership. He can honestly say, each organization he has served was healthier when he left than when he started. Learn from his immense wisdom and listen to his personal challenge for you at the end of our conversation.
Organizations have seasons of growth and change. Through each season your leadership team needs a variety of competencies to help your organization thrive. Our guest today will help you understand the skills that you need to find and build into your leadership team. These principles apply whether you lead a small ministry or a large, complex organization.
I’m delighted to welcome Jim Tomberlin who is the Multisite and Merger Strategist at The Unstuck Group. Jim has pastored churches in New Mexico and Germany, grown a megachurch in Colorado, and pioneered the multisite strategy for a megachurch in Illinois. He has been consulting and coaching church leaders in multisite strategy for more than 15 years.
Welcome back, Jim.
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What would happen in your organization if a top leader, as they say, was hit by a bus? Well, today we talk to a leader who was and lived to talk about it. Listen in as we learn how to prepare our organization for the next generation by investing in rising leaders.
Developing future leaders is an important part of any healthy organization and is core to long-term flourishing. Who is engaged in coaching the next generation of leaders for your organization? Does the process include a focus on spiritual maturity as well as leadership principles? We’ll address these topics and also consider fruitfulness in different seasons of life with our guest today.
I’m delighted to welcome Alec Hill to the podcast today. Alec is the President Emeritus of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He is a cancer survivor and the author of Living in Bonus Time, as well as Just Business – a book on Christian ethics. Currently, Alec's focus is coaching emerging leaders.
Welcome, Alec.
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Do you have a strong leadership bench pipeline that will facilitate your organization's future growth? Well, today we discuss how to develop a leadership pipeline that will produce four new generations of leadership for your organization.
I’m delighted to welcome Mac Lake. He is the author of The Multiplication Effect: Building a Leadership Pipeline That Solves Your Leadership Shortage. Mac has a passion for leadership development in the local church. He served at Seacoast Church in South Carolina developing leaders for their multi-site movement. He's launched The Multiply Group which now operates under the oversight of the North American Mission Board to help develop leaders for church planting.
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Imagine just finishing a thirteen-year run leading a large, global, Christian ministry. What would you consider your legacy? What would your plans be? How did the selection of your successor go? What was your involvement in helping in the process? Well today, we have a great privilege of having a conversation with Doug Nuenke, who just finished a thirteen-year term as the President of The Navigators. Listen in to hear his responses on these and other questions.
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What is your secret weapon as a leader? Well, today Richard Blackaby shares his timeless truths for effective leadership including effective spiritual leadership. Join us as Richard shares his wisdom and coaches us on the secrets of spiritual leadership.
There are so many important topics in leadership – and voices telling us how to be better leaders. But as Christian leaders, what is distinctive about our leadership? How do we steward God’s agenda for our organizations and develop as a spiritual leader? We’ll address the topic of Spiritual Leadership in our discussion today and focus on moving people onto God’s agenda.
I’m delighted to welcome Richard Blackaby. He is the President of Blackaby Ministries International and has written and co-authored many books, some with his father, Henry Blackaby – including the revised Experiencing God book and Spiritual Leadership - a key leadership book. Spiritual Leadership has been out for a number of years and is still highly influential on this important topic.
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On a scale of one to ten, how would your employees rate the level of celebration and fun in your organization? Listen in as today's guest gives examples of how celebration and fun have helped create a flourishing workplace culture.
How do you create a workplace with engaged staff who enjoy their work and the people they work with? Today we are going to talk about the value of celebration and fun, and how these underlying values can make a difference for people in their everyday workplace experience.
I’m delighted to welcome Dawn Pearcy. She is the Manager of Organizational Development at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale.
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Do you see yourself continuing to flourish as a leader in Christian service to age 84 or beyond? Well, today my conversation is with just such a leader. I hope this episode will challenge you to think about how you steward the gifts and experience God has blessed you with long-term.
What are the habits and practices that you need as a leader to be effective in the long run? One of the keys is self-leadership – taking responsibility for your ongoing growth. As years of leadership stretch into decades of leadership, how can you stay effective and focused? We will address these issues today in our conversation.
I’m delighted to welcome Dr. Jerry White. He is the International President Emeritus of The Navigators.
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Are you finding it difficult to fill your open positions? As we start out the new year, listen in for some timely tips to hire great people in this challenging environment.
How do you find the very best people to be part of your organization? Recruiting and hiring top talent can be challenging, especially in today’s competitive labor market. But mistakes in hiring can be costly, not just financially, but in terms of employee morale and engagement.
I’m delighted to welcome Tara VanderSande, Senior Engagement, and Talent Consultant, here at the Best Christian Workplaces Institute.
Welcome, Tara.
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Are you ready to lead your workplace in 2022? Well, listen in as we talk about the workplace trends that will impact the way you manage and experience your workplace in 2022. Listen in to see if you agree, and more importantly, if you are ready to lead for the future?
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What is the antidote of what many are calling the great resignation? Simply it's a healthy, even flourishing workplace culture where employees are emotionally connected to their jobs and organizations. Listen in today as we discuss the eight keys that boost employee engagement.
Well, let’s get started. I want to welcome in my colleague, BCWI Director for Consulting Services, Giselle Jenkins. Giselle and I are going to unlock each of the “Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
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Have you ever wondered how important improving your workplace culture is? Well, today our guest says of all the changes that you can make in your organization there's one that matters more than all the others—the culture of your organization. Listen in as this pastor describes how working on cultural health is actually at the core of Christian discipleship for any leader.
One of the things I enjoy most about my job is getting to know innovative leaders that are making a difference for the kingdom. One of those leaders is Jeff Lockyer, the Lead Pastor at Southridge Community Church in St. Catharines, Ontario in the Niagara Region.
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Recent reports show consumer prices rose 6.2 percent year over year in October 2021. Adding pressure on employers to raise wages. It's the largest wealth fund increase in over 30 years. So how should Christian-led organizations address compensation practices? Well, listen in as I talk with a compensation expert that can help us get a good grasp on this important topic.
Today, we’re going to look at Rewarding Compensation, the fifth of the eight drivers that can take the health of your workplace culture to the next level.
Rewarding Compensation is all about providing tangible resources in return for the service your employees provide. My guest has so many wonderful stories and practical strategies that can speak to your own compensation plan and how it can strengthen your organization’s workplace culture.
With that, I want to welcome in my guest, Susan Byers, the founder of Church Compensation Services. Based in Dallas, Church Compensation Services specializes in developing compensation programs utilizing the most relevant, reliable, and robust compensation data available for large and growing churches, and this publication is called the MegaChurch Compensation Report.
Prior to founding Church Compensation Services, Susan served in the Human Resources Department of a large health care organization as the Compensation and Benefits Director.
Susan, I’m so glad you can join us here as part of our new, going series on “The Eight Ways to Build a Flourishing Workplace Culture.”
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Many Christian organizations are working to build their workplace culture to keep our best talent from leaving. Part of the challenge has to do with employees working remotely. In today's episode, we focus on how Alpha USA has built a flourishing workplace culture while having a one hundred percent remote staff. Listen in!
As a leader, you need to recruit and retain a high-quality team to help your organization achieve its mission. Having the right people on your team is always important to a thriving organization. But now there are some trends that make recruiting and retaining employees even more challenging. We will address these issues today in our conversation.
I’m delighted to welcome Craig Springer. He is the Executive Director of Alpha USA.
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Are you clear on what God has called you to be and to do? Are your team members in jobs that reflect their special calling? In today's episode, we discuss how you can understand your unique calling so that you can experience a deep sense of purpose and meaning in your life.
As a leader, how do you equip the people on your team to thrive? Helping people understand how they are uniquely designed by God is part of the process. Then you want to match people’s abilities to the needs within your organization. Getting the right people in the right places is key to flourishing! Today I’m delighted to welcome Kelly Kannwischer. She is the CEO of Younique and Co-Founder of Future Church Co.
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The leaders in Christian publishing have had to adapt to many changes over the past years. Even if you face different issues in your own sector, we can all learn from those who have thrived, even during challenging times.
I’m delighted to welcome Jeff Crosby. He is the President of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, known as ECPA. Previously Jeff was the publisher at InterVarsity Press.
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As a leader, you face the challenge of bringing together people with different experiences toward a common vision. We want to help you have engaged employees and a flourishing workplace. Part of building a great workplace includes learning how to incorporate reconciliation into your regular practices.
I’m delighted to welcome David Bailey. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Arrabon. We’ve had David on before and wanted to continue our conversation in this podcast.
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The leaders of Christian colleges and universities face unique challenges as they train up the next generation. Even if your organization faces different issues, we can all learn from the leaders of these institutions. Consider how leadership and innovation in Christian higher education impact other Christian workplaces.
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Today, our topic is entrepreneurship and our conversation is with a Christian venture capitalist, who started his first business in college selling t-shirts and tie-dye boxer shorts. Listen in as he highlights the competitive advantage that faith-driven entrepreneurs have in the marketplace.
As a Christian entrepreneur or business leader, how do you step into your purpose and pursue creativity? In this episode, our conversation will include how the work you do today serves as an active part of God’s work. and, how you can learn values and habits that empower you to build your business and serve your community.
I’m delighted to welcome Henry Kaestner. He is the co-founder of Bandwidth, a communications platform, and a managing principal of Sovereign’s Capital. Henry wrote the book Faith Driven Entrepreneur, along with our friends J.D. Greer and Chip Ingraham.
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Are you experiencing greater than unusual turnover of your staff? Well, listen in as today's guest has great insights on the importance of employee retention, keys to effective remote communication, and innovation for Christian-led organizations.
As a leader, how do you inspire your team, care for your people, and practice healthy communication? And how can you unleash an atmosphere of innovation in your organization? Today we will address these leadership topics that help your organization flourish over the long term.
I’m delighted to welcome Ted Esler, President of Missio Nexus and the author of The Innovation Crisis: Creating Disruptive Influence in the Ministry You Lead to the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
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What are some of the challenges your organization is facing and how are you addressing them? Well, today we have the privilege of talking with John Ashmen the CEO of Citygate Network representing 300 rescue missions across North America. He outlines some of the key leadership issues that they are facing as their organizations focus on life transformation.
For me, one of the groups that I most admire and appreciate, especially during the pandemic, is the work of rescue missions and their employees. Today it is my distinct pleasure to have John Ashmen, the President, and CEO of Citygate Network, the association for rescue missions across the United States and Canada, or as they call them, “life-transforming ministries.”
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You've heard the phrase, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." Well today, our guests will talk about how bad culture eats your brand for breakfast. Listen in as our guests outline five pillars of your brand promise and six layers of culture to help your brand be effective.
Are you getting the traction you hoped for with your marketing dollars?
Today, our conversation is about a topic that has undermined and wasted countless resources that organizations have invested in their marketing campaigns.
You might be asking why are we talking about marketing on the Flourishing Culture Podcast? Today, I believe we are going to reveal the secret behind expanding your brand.
My guests today are Mark Miller and Ted Vaughn, Cofounders of the Historic Agency and authors of the book Culture Built My Brand: The Secret to Winning More Customers Through Company Culture.
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