Our conversation today will center around the question: What does a leader do to build high levels of trust in their organization? As we'll learn, it has a lot to do with making regular trust deposits into your culture through transparency, consistency and integrity.
It is our distinct privilege to talk with Bill Robinson, one of our early champions of organizational culture in Christian workplaces. Bill is perhaps best known for his role as president of Whitworth University for 17 years, retiring in 2010. For more than 10 years, Whitworth held the record for the highest scores on the BCWI Employee Engagement Survey in Christian higher education.
Since his retirement, Bill continues to play significant roles in Christian leadership positions. He serves as Chairman of the Princeton Theological Seminary Board, and for a year, he played a key role as interim President of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
Find the full show notes at http://blog.bcwinstitute.org/46-bill-robinson-whitworth-university.